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Rhipsalis dissimilis - R6


Rhipsalis dissimilis is native to Brazil, where it grows as an Epiphyte on trees and rocks at altitudes greater than 800m above sea level. When coming in to bloom, the plant will develop a red bud with a fluffy white edging. From this bud will develop small white flowers with a slight orange / red tint at the tips of the petals. These flowers will develop in the colder months (July / August). The foliage is long, cylindrical (with some ribs), and about 1cm in diameter. The younger shoots will often develop little hairs.


The Rhipsalis genus comprises over 60 species native to South America. Most are epiphytic (live in trees). Many have hanging stems making them excellent hanging basket specimens. Most prefer shade and some humidity.

We recommend purchasing 2 or 3 cuttings when planting up a pot as it will ensure the development of a robust and aesthetic plant.

Rhipsalis do best in partial shade in a fertile soil mix. Keep reasonable moist throughout the year, a little less so in winter. They enjoy humidity and so benefit from spraying.




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